We’ll help you out - no extra charges

Environmental monitoring should be a breeze. While our system is designed for self-installation, our experts are here to guide you through the process at no extra cost, ensuring a smooth setup and helping you derive meaningful insights from your climate data.
Illustration helping
Tactile Pattern for VisitationTactile Pattern for Visitation for mobileVisitation by Mariotto Albertinelli
Visitation / Mariotto Albertinelli / Uffizi Gallery

Plug and play

Illustration for plug and play
Discover unmatched user-friendliness with our plug-and-play system. Just place the sensors where you want them, connect the cloud connector to the power socket, and you're ready to start monitoring. It's that easy.

One power outlet to connect them all

Tactile pattern forTactile pattern for Herakles for MobileVase of Herakles
Herakles and the Hydra / Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna
Connecting our system is effortless. All you need is a power supply for the cloud connector. It will automatically detect the sensors within its range and securely store climate data in the cloud via its built-in SIM card. There's no need to hassle with
Wi-Fi connections; as long as the cloud connector has a mobile signal, it will ensure your data is reliably transmitted and stored.
Illustration of a character having fun with a power cables

Lets talk and find your perfect setup

Bevart can fit any museum. Make yours the next.

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