Get real-time insights with a refreshing frequency every 15 minutes

Our sensors are designed with discretion in mind. Mighty in performance yet incredibly compact at just 19 mm.

And only 2.5 mm thin. You can basically hide us anywhere.

Powering through with over 10 years of battery life – catch you in the next decade for a free sensor upgrade!

Climate sensors with 10 year battery life

Up to 10 years in room temperature with a measuring frequency of 15 minutes. If you set the frequency to 30 minutes the battery time will increase to up to 15 years between 0 and 25 degrees celsius.
Syvende far i huset by Erik Werenskiold
Tactile pattern for syvende far i husetSyvende far i huset by Erike WerenskioldTactile pattern for syvende far i huset for Mobile
Syvende far i huset / Erik Werenskiold /  National Museum Oslo

40 meters in all directions

Tactile Pattern Vitruvian ManTactile Pattern Vitruvian Man for MobileVitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci
Vitruvian Man / Leonardo da Vinci / Gallerie dell'Accademia
The range depends on the number of obstacles between the sensor and the cloud connector, as well as the thickness and material type of those obstacles. Indoors, we typically estimate a range of approximately +/- 40 meters in all directions, but we have experienced considerably longer ranges in open exhibition spaces
Illustration of a Vitruvian Man



W: 19 mm, L: 19 mm, H: 2.5 mm


2 g

Typical Accuracy

+/- 3% RH and +/- 0.4 °C

Measurement intervals

15, 30, 45, or 60 min

Operating conditions

Temperature range -40 to 85 °C


IP68 certified


What do you measure?

Our Humidity-sensors measure both the temperature and relative humidity.

Do you have other sensors?

Yes, we also offer a sensor that’s perfect for art transport. This has vibration, location and lux in addition to temperature and humidity.

Where are the sensors made?

They are designed in Norway, and manufactured in Germany.

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